Curriculum Overview

At Brune Park we have a curriculum that is ambitious for learners, that is rooted in knowledge acquisition and skill development. Teaching and learning is led by the needs of the learner.

The curriculum is broad and balanced, with the aim to allow all learners to progress and achieve well, preparing them for key stage transitions, end-of-school assessments, and life beyond Brune Park- empowering them to compete in a global community. Mapping and sequences of learning are reviewed and adapted regularly by subject leads to consider how further progress can be facilitated. The curriculum allows students to build key knowledge over time, we develop opportunities for memory recall in lessons, allow students to activate, apply and remember their learning using a range of teaching and learning strategies.

All learners have a full dynamic curriculum offer where there are adaptations to meet SEND and inclusion needs.

If you require additional information about the curriculum please contact Mr Irving

Art & Design
Business, Enterprise and Economics
Careers Education
Classical Civilisations
Computing & ICT
Design & Technology
DofE & GoBeyond
Extended Diplomas
Food & Nutrition
Health and Social Care
Modern Foreign Languages
Physical Education
School Library
Trips & Visits

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