‘You have fostered a culture where students and staff want to be better Ofsted 2020 and have the conditions to be better and are with you’ Relationships are strong across the school Ofsted 2020 House competitions spread positivity Brune Park student feedback Staff with a passion for teaching Brune Park student feedback ‘Ambition has been raised, aspiration has been raised, opportunities for building cultural capital are frequent’ Ofsted 2020 ‘Students value the opportunities clubs and societies and trips bring, they see this as a very positive aspect of their Ofsted 2020 school and school life. ' ‘The school is safer, happier and more learning focused as a result of the dedication and work of Ofsted 2020 the GFM, and the Brune Park staff’ ‘Students say that they feel part of a strong community. Students report to feeling that they ‘belong’ in school’ Ofsted 2020

About King’s Academy Brune Park

Located in the centre of Gosport,  King’s Academy Brune Park is a large comprehensive school that caters to students aged 11 to 16. Our philosophy is centered on fostering the happiness and success of all students, encompassing both academic and cultural aspects.
We achieve this by providing inspirational teaching, acknowledging the unique needs of our students, offering high-quality pastoral care, and delivering a diverse and stimulating curriculum.

Latest news

Year 6 Parent Open Evening – Thursday 26th Sept

Join us to explore what King's Academy Brune Park has to offer, including opportunities to view our uniform, meet staff from various departments and meet out School Leadership. Headteacher, Miss Payne will give talks at 4:30pm, 5:30pm, and 6:30pm. This is a great chance for 

Google Quick Start Guide

We encourage parents to support their children and in the same way we encourage you to read their exercise book to support their learning, you can use their email address and password to log in and see their digital work. This guide will help you 

King’s Academy Brune Park Welcomes Year 7

What a fantastic day welcoming our new Year 7 students to King’s Academy Brune Park! It’s been a pleasure seeing their smiles, excitement, and energy as they begin this exciting new chapter. From making new friends to exploring their new surroundings, today was all about 

Ever wondered what staff get up to on an INSET day?

We have been busy focusing on the priorities for the year ahead and preparing for our classes. We look forward to welcoming you back this week.  

New Build

Over the Summer Holidays we had two new classrooms built. This has meant we have been able to increase intervention and bespoke teaching spaces. We would like to say a massive thank you to Wernick for the build and MEB Designs who assisted us with 

Dance Celebration – ‘Flight Festival’

27 of our students represented Kings Academy Brune Park at the Gosport Cultural Education Project – ‘Festival of Flight’ at Fort Brockhurst yesterday. They got to engage in workshops and an aspirational talk with professional dance artists who shared an insight into their career journey before 

Read all our latest news.

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