King’s Academy Brune Park Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report
King’s Academy Brune Park is committed to securing improvement through developing and embedding an inclusive culture within which all learners, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), can be valued equally, treated with respect and provided with the opportunities and experiences to ensure they thrive and are successful.
The SEND Code of Practice (2014) considers a young person to have SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special education provision to be made. This may be due to the pupil showing a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age, or having a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of the facilities that are generally provided for others of the same age.
The needs of learners with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) fall into four broad areas of need:
At King’s Academy Brune Park, learners are identified as having SEND via a variety of strategies including:
We use a wide range of tools, which form our Diagnostic Hub, to determine specific barriers to learning, including academic, emotional well-being, how connected the young person feels to their own educational setting and their self-view. This ensures an evidenced informed approach is consistently used when planning the most appropriate provision for a learner.
Each learner on the SEND register will have a SEND plan created to detail the child’s individual strengths, areas of need and key supportive strategies to be implemented in lessons. Any supporting documents such as an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP), outside professionals reports, or in school diagnostics are collated on our online inclusion database – Provision Map. This information is available to all staff who support the learner to inform them of how best to support the child in school. The majority of learners’ needs will be met through inclusive practice and high quality adaptive classroom teaching.
A number of interventions are also available to help young people with their particular barriers to learning. We run a wide range of interventions to address all four areas of need, for example:
To help us meet the needs of every learner at King’s Academy Brune Park, we have a wide team of colleagues who work together, with students, parents and other professionals to identify SEND and arrange appropriate support and intervention. Colleagues from across the Inclusion Team, Year Teams, and Attendance Team work together to provide bespoke support that is matched to the individual needs of learners with a view to promoting independence, and maximising student achievement.
If you have a query related to the SEND or Inclusion needs of your child please contact:
Mr Mills will direct your query to the most appropriate member of the team and we will endeavour to respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible.