Physical Education

The P.E. Department aims to provide pupils with a high quality curriculum that is broad, balanced and is accessible to all. By embedding key ‘Concepts’ and ‘Gosport Future skills’ into the PE programme, we aim to holistically develop pupils and enable them to lead a lifelong, active and healthy lifestyle.

Within the curriculum and during our extra-curricular provision, we are able to offer pupils the opportunity to engage in a variety of sports. Our intention is to ensure that, within Physical Education our learners will ‘know more, remember more and be able to do more’. We follow this principle, not only from lesson to lesson but year by year.

Physical Education is taught by subject specialists who are enthusiastic in their approach to teaching and are passionate about the development of the pupils. The PE Department continually reflects on the curriculum through ‘pupil voice’ so that they can improve the range of activities on offer and ensure that pupils are engaged and stimulated in their lessons. We believe that listening to the pupils encourages greater participation, increases enjoyment of lessons and promotes long term involvement in physical activity.

Physical Education and Dance is very popular at Brune Park School with all pupils in Years 7 and 8 receiving 4 hours of lessons over two weeks. Pupils are taught in mixed gender and mixed ability classes in Year 7 which enables a smoother transition from Key Stage 2 into Key Stage 3 PE lessons.

Year 8 pupils are taught in mixed gender classes and are set by their practical ability enabling them to work alongside pupils of similar skill levels. Setting by ability in Year 8 ensures pupils experience an appropriate level of challenge and competition in an environment they feel comfortable in.

Key Stage 4 pupils are divided into either ‘Progress & Performance’ or ‘Progress & Participation’ classes. This enables the more competitive and confident performers to follow a path of activities where they will experience high levels of competition whilst the alternative pathway of activities encourages greater participation and engagement from pupils who may be less confident in a Physical environment.

The Physical Education Department aims to provide an enjoyable and balanced programme with opportunities for all pupils to develop physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. The physical education curriculum offers a comprehensive range of experiences that demonstrate equity and inclusion. The Department aims to develop pupils, not just as performers, but also their overall understanding of the activities, and encourage resilience and hard work. These are acknowledged when assessing the pupils through our ‘Head, Hands and Heart’ assessment model.

Extra-curricular PE

The Physical Education Department is passionate about extending pupils opportunities to participate and develop in physical activity by implementing an extensive extra-curricular programme. Clubs and societies run daily during lunch times and after school, offering a variety of sports and activities across the years. There are also local, county and national fixtures running throughout the school year enabling pupils to compete at a higher level, with possibilities to represent the District in multiple sports.

The PE Department is also actively involved in running school trips including skiing and water sports/activity camps etc which are residential. Day trips to a variety of sporting venues and fixtures are also on offer throughout the year.

Examination PE

Pupils have the opportunity to study Physical Education as an examination based subject. Two main courses are offered, namely the OCR GCSE in Physical Education and the OCR Cambridge National ‘Sports Studies’ Level 2 certificate.

OCR GCSE Physical Education

All pupils who opt for this course have an additional 5 hours of Physical Education every two weeks. The practical element makes up 30% of the final mark and requires the pupils to demonstrate practical capabilities in one individual activity, one team activity and a third activity that can be either a team or individual activity.

The theoretical component is worth 60% of the final mark. Pupils sit an external examination based on their subject knowledge and understanding of the following topics:

  • Health and fitness
  • Body systems
  • Principles of training
  • Factors affecting performance
  • Safety and risk assessment
  • Factors affecting participation
  • Social and cultural issues.

There is also written coursework/controlled assessment that accounts for the final 10% of the overall GCSE grade.

OCR Cambridge National Certificate in Sports Studies

All pupils who opt for this course have an additional 5 hours of Physical Education every two weeks. Assessment is completed through the completion of practical coursework and written assignments plus one examination. Pupils will study 4 different modules each worth 25% of the final marks:

Unit 1 – Contemporary Issues in Sport (Exam) – Pupils study a range of sociological factors that affect the participation in sport and physical activity.

Unit 2 – Developing Sports Skills – Pupils will study and perform one team activity, one individual activity plus learn to officiate in one activity. They will study and write an assignment applying different practice methods to improve two identified weaknesses.

Unit 3 – Developing Sports Leadership – Pupils will study the elements that make up effective sports leadership they will then plan, deliver and evaluate their own coaching session.

Unit 4 – Outdoor Adventurous Activities – Pupils will study different aspects of the Outdoor and Adventurous Activity sector. They will participate in at least two different activities and study how to deliver sessions safely.

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Please address general queries to Ms Lazarus.
  • King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000
Contact Info
  • Community Department, King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250

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