Up and Coming Mock Exams

Dear Parents and Carers
We hope you had a wonderful half term break and that you have been able to support your son or daughter in making the most of the time, to get some revision under their belts.

We hope the information we shared with you at mock results evening has been helpful in enabling revision to be targeted specifically on the areas your son or daughter needs to focus on. As you will be aware from the school calendar, we have a second set of mock exams coming up during the weeks commencing 2nd and 9th March, so we hope that students are working hard at home on their revision and preparation for these.

The mock fortnight timetable looks as follows:

Not quite sure what you can do now to further support your youngster?

Please contact your child’s Maths, English or Science teacher and discuss what more you can be doing to support revision at home, or refer to the personalised packs we gave you at mock results evening, which break down each Maths, English and Science paper sat in the first round of mock exams, question by question. The personalised packs provide ‘lists’ of the key areas in Maths, English and Science that need revising and practising.

Are you seeing them regularly revising?

Yes? Great – lots of praise, support, encouragement, cups of tea or snacks. You showing your interest and care will make more difference than anything else.

No? This is the time to sit down together and re-focus. There are no quick wins, revision is hard work, it is time to buckle down. Try using the Action Plan and revision timetables that we shared with you at mock results evening.
If you are not able to get through to your son or daughter, please contact us at school – we can try to help.

How much revision should your youngster be doing?

Everyone needs to revise for exams, and it is a challenging process for everyone. Generally at this stage, Year 11 students should be doing around 2-4 hours each evening, with around 6-8 hours each weekend. To be most effective, revision needs to be varied: words and pictures, lots of testing, lots of writing out and drawing out, then re-testing. There are great tips for parents on this website: http://www.learningscientists.org/ourteam. Please remind your youngster how important it is to be regularly logging in and using GCSE Pod to support their revision at home.
As always, thank you for your continued support in trying to secure the very best outcomes for your son or daughter this summer.
The Year 11 Team

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  • (023) 9261 6000
  • enquiries@kgabrunepark.uk
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  • Community Department, King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250
  • community@kgahampshire.uk

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