News – Our Recent Ofsted Inspection

27 February 2020
Dear Parents and Carers
We’re very pleased to be able to share with you some very positive news regarding our recent
Ofsted inspection.
As you are aware, inspectors spent two days with us on January 28 and 29, talking to students,
monitoring lessons, talking with staff and checking the systems put in place by the school.
It was a really thorough process and there was certainly no stone unturned in the preparation
of them making their judgment, which is NOW PUBLISHED (see link below.)

The inspectors found the school has made huge progress since the last inspection and we
cannot express how pleased we were to hear them describe our school as a “friendly,
welcoming and supportive place for students to learn.”
As we posted on ‘news’ during the inspection, our students ‘shone’ and much of what
inspectors found was based on conversations they had with your children, the students at this
Many said how much they enjoy coming to school, that they get on well with their teachers
and now feel safe and supported while learning. They also sung the praises of our personal
development programme and specifically the clubs they attend each day and the wider
opportunities available at the school.
The report points out the huge impact on Brune Park School of working within the Gosport
and Fareham MAT (GFM) and recognise that much of what we have been able to achieve in
such a small space of time is a direct consequence of being able to call upon a wide range of
expertise and skills sets across our network of schools.
The findings in this report are so important for our school because they are the foundations on
which we can build future success at the school. It tells us as staff and leaders, and you
parents and carers, that we are moving in the right direction and are making positive choices
for your children. It tells us that we know what has and is improving and that the school knows
exactly what we need to do for our next stage of improvement.
Although there is still a way to go on our journey of continued improvement, it is important to
recognise the significant achievements so far that are acknowledged in the report. We will
keep focused on moving forward. Attached to this letter is a presentation we gave to staff to
share some of the key positive quotes from the Lead Inspector’s verbal feedback.
A huge thank you goes to the staff, teachers and leaders throughout the GFM who have
supported us on this journey.
We would like to say a huge thank you to our students; the way they conducted themselves
and the pride they had in their school makes us so, so proud and as always, such a positive
reflection on you as parents and carers, and on our Gosport community.
As a community we share one very clear, distinctive goal; we want the very best for the
children of this town, this is written throughout the report and was a feature of the verbal
feedback from the inspecting team: ‘What has emerged is a strong moral purpose and moral
drive to lift the life chances of a town. This has been evidenced through every conversation
… it is at the core of what you (school) drive and it is evidenced everywhere.’
Our inspection report confirm that we work best when we work together – none of this could
have been achieved without your support as parents and carers , and the partnership working
we have grown together.
The success of the report is something we share together as a community – well done and
thank you to everyone working in and with this great school!
Kirstie Andrew-Power, Mike Jones and Ian Potter
On behalf of the team at Brune Park and across the GFM


The report can be found here:

January 2020 Inspectors Feedback to Brune Park

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Please address general queries to Ms Lazarus.
  • King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000
Contact Info
  • Community Department, King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250

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