TeachMeet Celebrates GFM Class of 2021

A huge congratulations to this year’s team of Early Career and Initial Teacher Training colleagues across the GFM.

We are celebrating every new colleague who has successfully passed their Year one.

The TeachMeet celebration saw everyone sharing a ‘top tip’ as a great way to start the second year.

Director of Initial and Early Career Teacher (ECT) Training, Kate Walker, said: “As a group they have been the most creative and resilient group we have ever seen; having to navigate the changes to teacher training and the new Early Career Framework, coming out of the pandemic and the disruption to the nature of their training and you can see from the presentations today how dedicated and professional each individual is and this team as a cohort.”

ECT Maths teacher, Rebecca Stefanou, said: “The training team have provided incredible support, they are always approachable. Thank you also to the subject and school teams.”

Well done to all our new teaching colleagues, we are very excited for year two.


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  • (023) 9261 6000
  • enquiries@kgabrunepark.uk
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  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250
  • community@kgahampshire.uk

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