Partial school closure notice

Partial School Closure, Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 March 2020

P1 to 4 ONLY 

Following new Government measures and advice issued yesterday evening, we have seen an increase in staff absence today. At the time of writing we have no confirmed cases of Coronavirus amongst staff or learners, but a significant number of staff are absent due to Government advice for ‘at risk’ groups and self-isolation.

Therefore, we have taken the decision to implement a partial closure of the School on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 March.

The School remains open to Year 7, 9 and 11, closed to students in Years 8 and 10

Reminder periods 1-4 only.  There will be a food service at break, and meals for students entitled to a free school meal before leaving the site at 12.50.

Year 9 vaccinations will take place.

We will continue to assess the staffing situation and update parents and carers about arrangements for Friday 20 and beyond as soon as possible.

If you are an NHS key worker or teacher and this partial closure would result in you not being able to attend work, please call the school reception.

We appreciate the disruption this may cause to families and the education of our young people. However, we are sure you will understand these are exceptional circumstances. These measures will enable the school to continue functioning with safe staffing for those learners who are present.

In addition, there may be further government advice on this during the week, in which case we will respond accordingly.

We will communicate no later than Thursday with further plans for Friday and next week.

Accessing Work Online – Year 8 and Year 10

Resources for students to work on over the next two days can be found here:


Accessing work for self isolating students

At this stage we do not have capacity in school to provide individual work for self isolating students.  We are asking teachers to focus on the lessons they are teaching, and online resources for year groups to whom the school is closed.

We encourage all self isolating students to access GCSEpods online, and other online resources that they can work through independently.



As ever, thank you for your continued support.

Kirstie Andrew-Power and Mike Jones



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Please address general queries to Ms Lazarus.
  • King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000
Contact Info
  • Community Department, King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250

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