GCSE Qualifications Awarding in Summer 2020

Ofqual have now set out details about how GCSEs, AS and A levels will be awarded this summer and published further guidance for teachers, students, parents and carers.

For this summer’s awards, we are being asked to provide centre assessment grades for our students. These will be fair, objective and carefully considered judgements of the grades the School believe our students would have been most likely to achieve if they had sat their exams, and will take into account the full range of available evidence. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

 Do I need to complete any new work for my school to submit a grade?

No.  The school is not required to set additional mock exams or homework for your centre assessment grade, and you won’t be disadvantaged if you were not set, or were unable to complete, any work given out after schools were closed. 

Can I see the grades my school submits for me?

No, this information will be confidential. Please do not ask your teachers, or anyone else at your school, to tell you the grades they will be sending to the exam boards or where they have placed you in the order of students; they will not be allowed to share this with you.

Will I receive the grade the school submits for me?

Not necessarily.  To make sure that grades are as fair as possible across schools and colleges, exam boards will put all centre assessment grades through a process of standardisation using a model being developed with Ofqual. Ofqual will consult on the principles of the model shortly, but they expect it will look at evidence such as the expected national outcomes for this year’s students, the prior attainment of students at each school and college (at cohort, not individual level), and the results of the school or college in recent years. It will not change the rank order of students within each centre; nor will it assume that the distribution of grades in each subject or centre should be the same. The process will also recognise the past performance of schools and colleges. However, if grading judgements in some schools and colleges appear to be more severe or generous than others, exam boards will adjust the grades of some or all of those students upwards or downwards accordingly.

Can I appeal the grade that I am awarded?

Ofqual are focused on making sure students are not disadvantaged by these unprecedented circumstances, including allowing for an appeal where appropriate. Specific appeal arrangements will be made available by Ofqual soon.

Students will also have the opportunity to sit exams at the earliest reasonable opportunity in the new academic year.  Ofqual are working across the sector to plan for how and when these additional exams will take place. Many students will be taking other general and vocational or technical qualifications instead of or alongside GCSEs, AS and A levels. Ofqual are working as quickly as possible to develop an approach and we will provide further information as soon as we can.

Ofqual have requested that organisations which represent higher and further education providers consider how they might be flexible in admissions decisions, considering delays to entry to courses, for any students choosing to take an exam this autumn. We are reassured to hear that they believe that institutions will be flexible wherever possible. 

When will I get my results?

Ofqual are working hard to get results out as soon as possible – results won’t be delayed after the dates they were expected in August, and ideally they will be issued a little earlier, so you can have the certainty you need. 

Here is the link to Ofqual’s letter to candidates and parents which provides further information:



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