Fonteyn House Success

Last Monday we celebrated the success of students in the Fonteyn House and recognised some of the amazing work that they have completed this year.

There were lots of awards given out and It was an opportunity to say thank you to all the hard work that both staff and students had put in this year. Below is a list of the awards given out to the students, who have all demonstrated an excellent dedication to our Foundations of Learning.

Foundations of Learning Awards 2018

  • Alisha Hall (7F1) – Excellent academic achievement, most merits in the Tutor group, excellent awareness of the Foundations of Learning.
  • Lucy Tabb (7F2)
  • Troy Wingfield (7F3)
  • Joseph Knight (8F1) – Constantly works hard in all his lessons, he is polite and friendly to all peers, he always wants to get involved in House competitions and activities and is always willing to help anyone out.
  • Michael Robinson (8F3) – Excellent academic achievement, most merits in the Tutor group, excellent awareness of the Foundations of Learning.
  • Calvin Valentine (9F1)
  • Amy Tucker (9F2)
  • Brandon Stirton (9F3) – Always has good, positive attitude and is always ready to collaborate and help all the members of 9F3.
  • Isla Hadley (10F1)
  • Neve Dempsey (10F2) – She has shown excellent progress in all lessons and has worked continually hard all year and has been showing dedication to her revision. Neve has successfully applied to be a prefect- leading by example by supporting the Year 6 students during transition.
  • Anne-Marie Cox (10F3) – Embracing School life and taking advantage of all of the opportunities offered at Brune Park.

House Leader Award 2018

This student consistently demonstrates a mature attitude that belies his age! He is flourishing in a range of leadership roles, repeatedly demonstrating an exemplary attitude towards his learning – striving for excellence. This young man fully embraces school life and takes advantage of the opportunities offered at Brune Park. He is a valued member of the House and is totally committed to Fonteyn.

The House Leader Award goes to…Mason Mair – Congratulations

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Please address general queries to Ms Lazarus.
  • King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000
Contact Info
  • Community Department, King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250

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