Year 7 Community Curriculum – Activity Day 2019

The Gosport and Fareham Multi Academy Trust (GFM) is committed to prioritising opportunities which enable our students to develop resilience, feel confident and be more aspirational. By working collaboratively with our parents, carers and the local community, we hope to raise the life chances and improve the future of all students in Gosport. Last Friday 12th July we were delighted to host the first GFM Community Curriculum Day where students across year 7 took part in a wide range of different exciting and engaging activities, supported by our local community and business partnerships.

All students throughout the day had the opportunity to;

Visit Fort Brockhurst for a ‘treasure hunt’ around the fort, organised by our local English Heritage partners.

Took part in a whole year group Morning Workout on the field

Drop Everything and Read

Other activities on offer included visits to the historic World War One trenches in Gosport, local churches and HMS Collingwood & Sultan. The Gosport STEM Centre for a LEGO challenge, working with a local Gosport & Fareham bank TSB, experience a live cooking demonstration from Aramark catering, a mental health workshop with local specialist theatre company Standtall Theatre, a resilience challenge with Military Mentors, or experiences exploring exciting new learning tools for the twenty first century by using Artificial Intelligence with Century Learn.

Students and staff had an incredibly exciting and interesting day where learning was brought to life outside of the classroom enabling hugely unique and important educational experiences for all learners.

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Please address general queries to Ms Lazarus.
  • King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000
Contact Info
  • Community Department, King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250

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