Strike Action: plan for schooling – 15 and 16 March

Following our risk assessment to assess the impact of the strike action on our capacity to open the school, we can confirm the following:

Years 7 – 10

  • On both days Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will remain at home to complete remote learning which is further detailed below.
  • We will be providing a small provision for our vulnerable learners on site where they will be supported to access the resources available to all learners described below.


Year 11

  • We will be open to Year 11 pupils. Year 11 will be required to attend school, in full uniform, on both days. Wednesday will run from 9:55 – 15:10 and Thursday from 9:55 – 14:10.
  • Year 11 pupils will attend normal lessons where possible, following their usual timetable. Where teachers are not available, they will be able to complete revision activities under the supervision of other colleagues in a centrally staffed location. Pupils should head to the Main Playground on their arrival to check the location of their lessons.

The Footlights canteen will be open at lunchtime for those students attending school on both days. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals we will be emailing out a voucher to eligible parents of students for those year groups who will not be in school.

The GFM Secondary Executive Team

Geoff Walls (Director of Schooling)
Nigel Matthias (Executive Headteacher)
Ryan Peet (Executive Headteacher)
Kerry Payne (Executive Headteacher – Headteacher Brune Park)
Christopher Willis (Executive Headteacher- Headteacher Bay House)

Remote Learning Guidance for pupils in Years 7-10

Years 7, 8 and 9

Knowledge Organiser revision
Use any subject knowledge organisers that you have to revise your knowledge and identify areas for further practice. Take a section of a knowledge organiser, read it through, cover it up and see if you can recall this knowledge.

Individual Google Classrooms
Please use your own online classroom space to catch up on any lessons missed and use the resources to revise recent learning.

OAK National Academy
You can use this site to find some lessons linked to your current learning in each subject. Some lessons that would be supportive are


Maths. Select any topics you would like to practice or improve



Learning apps
All students will have login details to the following learning apps to support revision and practice;

  • Sparks Maths
  • Bedrock
  • LanguageNut

Year 10

Knowledge Organiser revision
Use any subject knowledge organisers that you have to revise your knowledge and identify areas for further practice. Take a section of a knowledge organiser, read it through, cover it up and see if you can recall this knowledge.

OAK National Academy
You can use this site to find some lessons linked to your current learning in each subject. Some lessons that would be supportive are;



Maths Select any topics you would like to practice or improve

Individual Google Classrooms
Please use your own online classroom space to catch up on any lessons missed and use the resources to revise recent learning.

Learning apps
All students will have login details to the following learning apps to support revision and practice;

  • GCSEPod
  • KayScience


Learners can use this site to research different careers and the routes into them. There are assessment tools to identify your strengths and careers that will make good use of these.

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Contact Info
Please address general queries to Ms Lazarus.
  • King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000
Contact Info
  • Community Department, King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250

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