Christmas jumpers
December 19 (non uniform) please donate an item of food to local charities to think about those in need at Christmas.
Christmas fayre
December 19 – for all students to enjoy hot chocolate, cakes, chocolates, Christmas items, games and Christmas songs. Please bring a few pennies; anything raised students will decide how to spend in support of clubs and activities.
Christmas dinner
December 19 – Years 7 and 8 will eat their Christmas dinner with their tutor group in the Hall (decorations are being made!) Years 9*, 10 and 11 through the extended school and into the afternoon.
*Year 9 Post 16 and 18 Education fayre
Year 9 students will be learning about education routes available to them post 16 and post 18, this includes meeting students who will share with them informally experiences of life at 6th form, at college and at university. We’re delighted to welcome back a number of ex Brune Parkers and family of the GFM community who will work with year 9. there will be formal sessions, then *Year 9 Christmas dinner an opportunity to talk informally with our visitors over Christmas lunch!