‘Gosport remembers’ a very special event

It has been a very special day at Brune Park – we were joined by every member of the Rowner Junior School community, all the children and all the staff who walked here together to join the Brune Park community in a collective act of remembrance.

Children and staff  from Rowner Juniors joined the Brune Park students and staff in writing a ‘tag of thanks’ which was hung on one of the four trees at the front of the school.  Each tag represented a soldier of Gosport who has given their life in the service of their country.  Children, students and staff have written a message of thanks and remembrance to their soldier.

Children from Rowner Junior, with students from Brune Park School – as an act of friendship, passed a ‘Tommy silhouette’ to students from each of the schools in the Gosport and Fareham Multi Academy Trust: LWS, Gomer Junior, Bay House School and The Enterprise Academy.  Each school is designing a display around the ‘Tommy Silhoutte’ as part of their ongoing activity to commemorate the Armistice of World War 1.

Rowner Junior and Brune Park School were proud to be awarded the silhouettes by the Armistice and Armed Forces Communities Fund.


The event is part of a range of activities across the GFM finishing with: ‘Gosport Remembers’  where over 150 visitors, students and staff will be involved in a collective act of remembrance.  The event is followed by the Gosport and Fareham Dance Festival.

Details from both event will be posted on the website.

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Please address general queries to Ms Lazarus.
  • King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000
  • enquiries@kgabrunepark.uk
Contact Info
  • Community Department, King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250
  • community@kgahampshire.uk

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