GFM Physical Education Update 4
I can not believe that it has been over 10 weeks since we last had the opportunity to meet face to face on the field, sports hall, netball court etc. As the new half term starts we are taking the opportunity to say hello and update you on the latest developments from the physical education teams across the GFM.
The government has now extended guidance on taking exercise outside of the home! Take as many opportunities as you like to exercise as long as it is outside and with members of your household. You, as an individual, can even meet other people from outside your household – as long as you socially distance from one another. With all this fine weather, this is a great time to make sure you keep getting your daily dose of exercise! Please see the infographic as a reminder of the daily recommended amounts of exercise and REMEMBER TO CHECK THE GOVERNMENT GUIDANCE. These change frequently and it is important to keep up-to-date and stay safe. Government Advice on Exercise and Open Space.
To help you the physical education teams are still really busy working on-line to support you. They are busy posting the daily challenges on social media and updating the content on google classrooms. There is an exercise worksheet to help you track your progress. The PE team would love to hear from you so please log into your classroom and say hi. We would welcome any feedback on what you would have liked so far and what you would like to see more of over the next few weeks. We have launched a survey to see how we can support you as the restrictions continue. If you are a student and you have 5 minutes please fill in the survey on google classrooms. You can also DM, email or contact us through google classrooms
As the lockdown softens you will discover that there are more opportunities to exercise popping up within our community. As a part of a fundraising campaign, Gosport Voluntary Action are currently encouraging people to get out for a walk and count their steps. The main aim is to get people walking and keeping fit.
Phased Return of Some Sports and Activities
There has been a reintroduction of some sporting activities. In particular tennis has been highlighted as an activity that is now available. Tennis would be one of our summer time activities and one that will be sorely missed by all the staff. However, there are plenty of courts that are used in the local area. The Lawn Tennis Association has a handy court finder for you to use if you are unsure where you can play. LTA – Court Finder REMEMBER TO CHECK LATEST GUIDANCE on social distancing and hygiene. At this time of year The Wimbledon Championship would normally be a source of inspiration for all us , this will be missed this year. To help there is a Wimbledon Youtube channel with plenty of content to inspire you and fill some of the void. Wimbledon Youtube Channel.
Another activity of our summer curriculum is cricket. It may be quite a while before full games come back, but like many other sports training and individual activities are possible. We checked in Mr Stancliffe, our resident cricket guru, for some words of wisdom, “The prospect of no cricket this year has been a shame for myself and cricket-lovers alike. In the early stages of lockdown, I was refining my technique and working on the fundamentals of the game with no more than a tennis ball, a bat, a few cones and some garden chairs. Simple drills can prove to be very beneficial and most entertaining. Since the restrictions were lifted slightly a few weeks ago, my brother and I have made use of the local facilities at Gosport Borough Cricket Club. We have continued to work on fundamentals, improve our cricket related fitness aiming to find some consistency to prepare us for a possible return to cricket once it is safe and sensible to do so. For those of you missing cricket and looking for inspiration, there are some challenges focusing on hand-eye coordination on our PE department instagram account ‘@BayHousePE’, plenty of tutorials on YouTube, or simply grab a partner (or use a wall), have them feed you balls to hit into designated target zones, throw you balls to catch or set up a targets to aim for when bowling. Remember, keep safe, check and follow the Government’s guidelines and enjoy the game”
We have also been in contact with one of our community partners, Barbara Cooke form Gosport Borough Cricket Club, “Sadly we’re not going to be seeing much action on the cricket field just yet at Gosport Borough Cricket Club. One of the cricket nets is available for use at any one time and people can use them in accordance with Government advice on social distancing and more specific ECB advice on using equipment. We’ll be putting a notice on the nets. More information can be found at We have access to some free online courses if anyone fancies getting involved including scoring and umpiring. It might also be of interest to learners who don’t necessarily play but might enjoy cricket. ECB Association of Cricket Officials has created a range of free online courses for aspiring umpires and scorers. The courses are a great way for people to use the current downtime to learn a new skill or brush up on their knowledge. ECB – Umpiring Courses Please check the third tick box when registering as the Hampshire Association of Cricket Officials (#HantsACO) would love to stay in touch once you’ve completed your training. When the time comes we would love to see you at the cricket club. GBCC
As the sun continues to shine and we are allowed out to exercise more than once a day, many of us will be tempted to visit the coast line that surrounds our peninsular. At this time we would like to remind everyone about being safe in and around the water. The GFM has been working with organisations such as the RNLI and GAFIRS to educate all our learners about the dangers from our environment and how to enjoy all activities safely. We would ask that everyone considers their own actions carefully at this time, extra pressures have been placed on all our services so please keep you and your families safe throughout the summer. Visit the RNLI website to keep up-to-date on safe use of the coastline.
We hope you all stay safe and healthy. Please don’t forget that the PE teachers are all available via Google classrooms if you need us.
Stay active, we will see you soon.
All the best Mr Osborne.