Free things to do from home

Huge thank you to Leighanne Ferguson from the English team for this post!

Miss Ferguson has drawn together a list of things we can all do for free, and from home during the school closure and now ‘lock down.’  (She has included one section on local walking with a note about following the government advice.)

We look forward to hearing of your ‘staying home’ adventures!

Physical activity


  • PE with Joe Wicks: daily 30 minute PE sessions designed for children and young people but open to everyone
  • YMCA physical activities on demand


Online reading, writing and audiobooks


  • Audible free audiobooks
  • Story Pirates
  • Wheelers – the school has signed up to this for students and staff, use your school login details to log in and borrow books or resources (login guidance here)
  • Creative writing now – creative writing ideas and a free ebook if you sign up 


Virtual tours



Animal cams


Zoos and aquarium

All of these zoos and aquariums have set up webcams so you can watch some or all of their animals online:


Art galleries




Special sites




Education and interest




Walks and local activities


(24/03/20) The Government advice is that you can go out for one form of exercise a day to maintain your physical and mental well-being, but in your household group only, and make sure to stay 2 meters away from everyone around you. So here are some ideas: 

  • RainbowTrail UK or Chasetherainbow Gosport and Fareham: basically, paint or draw a rainbow and put it in your windows so people can see it. As you are going on your walk, look out for rainbows in the windows around you!
  • Gosport Rocks local Gosportians paint rocks with bright colours and images and hide them around Gosport, you can find them when you go on your walks. Stay safe – don’t touch the rocks!


Crafty and creative


Music and the stage


  • Patatap make your own music using your keyboard!
  • Tabletop Audio – an ambient sound mixer with a fantasy fiction/game leaning, immerse yourselves in different places, like a fantasy library. Studies show ambient sounds can help with concentration and improve both the output of work and your mental well-being as you do it, so this is a great option for studying.


Watch concerts




Not free but close!

British Sign Language – £5 for students £10 for key workers; learn British Sign Language online

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Please address general queries to Ms Lazarus.
  • King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000
Contact Info
  • Community Department, King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250

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