The team in the Creative Impact Project have celebrated World Pencil Week!
Year 9 students from Brune Park and Bay House, have come together to identify issues that matter to them to create a project that will ‘make change happen’. This week has allowed our learners to bring their ideas to life through engaging in a range of activities including, film making, songwriting, art, social media campaigning and working with spoken word artists.
All students have grown in confidence and challenge themselves to think about change in the world beyond their school.
“That nothing is out of reach.” “I learnt you can do many things.” “I learnt a lot of teamwork skills.” “I got to learn how to film and get feedback on singing.”
“I learnt about social media and what you can do with it.” “I got to see a music studio for the first time.”
A special thanks goes to Ben Sandbrook and Rupert Rowbotham from Creative Impact.