Dear Parents and Carers
RE: Year 9 Whole Cohort
We are reviewing our staffing levels regularly, and due to staffing numbers we have reluctantly made the decision to partially close the school on Thursday 12 November for Year 9 Only.
Decisions such as these are especially challenging to make as we want to provide continuity of education to every student. This partial closure is to do all we can to ensure the safety of students and staff in the school community and in doing so maintain a quality provision of education by the school for students. Our staffing numbers have been heavily impacted because of the number of staff who are self isolating under current COVID-19 guidelines.
We would like students to complete learning at home during this closure – we are really impressed with how well so many students are learning to work remotely and often independently. Lessons will be available through Google Classroom (see timetable and subject links below) with additional work through the Oak Academy. The situation of learning from home is not yet ideal, but it can be highly effective and is proving invaluable in building a wider set of learning skills in students, so please do encourage your child, seek our support in doing this and link with class teachers as much as possible through Google Classroom.
The Oak National Academy website can be found here:
We will continue to evaluate our staffing levels each day and ensure we work closely with parents and carers to give as much notice of any further closures should they be required. The school will continue to follow the advice from Public Health England and the Department of Education and keep parents and carers updated.
With our best wishes and thanks for your continued support through these challenging times.
The School Leadership Team
The online timetable for year 9 on Thursday 12th November
Please check your email for a copy of the letter with the class access codes. This information has also been emailed to your child.
Period 1 : BB Y9 English BP
Period 2: BB Y9 Maths
Period 3: BB Y9 Science
Period 4: BB Y9 Geography BP