Year 11 Mock Results Evening and Parents Evening

Year 11 Mock Results Evening and Parents Evening

We were delighted to welcome our Year 11 students to Mock Results Evening on 16th January. It was an extremely proud moment for parents and staff, witnessing the students opening their results. After collecting their results, students had an opportunity to browse the revision fayre, where they and their parents were able to pick up targeted revision material, and talk to teachers about next steps in terms of preparing for the exams. The evening was such a positive moment for the year group, and we look forward to the continued hard work from students, staff and parents to get them over the finish line.

The positivity continued through to Parent’s Evening on the 22nd January, where we had a substantial turnout from parents, carers and students. Students were left in no doubt that staff and parents are supporting them to achieve their best results.

We would like our Year 11 students to feel proud of the work they have put in so far, and be inspired to use the information and feedback they have been given, to keep pushing forward to achieve the GCSE results they aspire to and deserve. We will continue to share revision techniques, materials and opportunities, with our wonderful Year 11 students in the coming weeks.

The Year 11 Team

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  • King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000
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  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250

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