GFM Sixth Form Art Exhibition returns – 8, 9, 10 July

The Bay House Sixth Form Art Exhibition is returning!

It will be held at Fort Brockhurst, Gosport on 8, 9 and 10 July.

We are excited that once again, following the disruption from the pandemic, we will be able to hold our end of year Sixth Form Art exhibition.

For the second time, we are exhibiting in the impressive setting of Fort Brockhurst, with lower sixth students creating site specific pieces, and upper sixth students presenting their final A level coursework pieces.

8 July: private viewing, 5-8pm.

9 July: open viewing, 10am – 4pm.

10 July: open viewing, 10am – 4pm.



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Please address general queries to Ms Lazarus.
  • King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000
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  • Community Department, King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250

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