GFM Safeguarding Information

You may have seen in the press recently that there are some disturbing videos circulating on social media, in particular TikTok.
Please remember to be vigilant with your child’s social media accounts in order to keep them safe and protect them from inappropriate content.
The following links may be helpful when discussing this with your child:
For further guidance and support please visit the safeguarding pages of the school website.
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Contact Info
Please address general queries to Ms Lazarus.
  • King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000
Contact Info
  • Community Department, King's Academy Brune Park, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 3BU
  • (023) 9261 6000 ext 5250

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