The Drama department is a lively area within Brune Park where our vision is that Drama should be accessible and inclusive to all. We have a passion for enriching students’ experience and to enjoy the process as much as the final performance.
The Drama department consists of three specialist teachers and is located in its own block, containing well-equipped classrooms, giving students a true feel of the theatre. We are proud to offer Drama once a week at KS3 and five lessons across a fortnight at GCSE level.
In addition to lessons, a range of enrichment activities are offered and are at the heart of the department including weekly Drama Club, workshops, trips and our annual whole school productions. We have close links with the wider community and students enjoy the chance to be involved in events and visits outside of school such as the annual ‘Museum by Torchlight’ event that takes place at the Gosport Museum and Art Gallery and trips to Arts University Bournemouth.
For regular updates follow the Drama Department on Instagram
KS3 Curriculum Overview (Years 7-9)
Students in years 7, 8 and 9 are taught Drama for one hour per week.
Students have the opportunity in lessons to:
Create drama and explore their imagination.
Perform drama and reflect on the work critically.
Respond to their own and their peers’ drama to make the work better and develop skills from lesson to lesson, as well as many opportunities to attend the professional theatre. We also have access to a website called National Theatre Collection where students can watch professional theatre online for free at their leisure.
Students will explore key drama skills and build on them year on year. Topics are wide ranging, from exploring characterisation through the eyes of Mr and Mrs Twit, exploring the history of Comedy, experimenting with a range of genres with mini scripts, delving deep into the world of Horror, creating atmosphere. and different theatre styles, we expose students to a broad curriculum.
Have a look at our KS3 Drama Pathway
Those who opt not to study GCSE Drama will have gained and developed transferable skills to use outside the classroom, from confidence, to public speaking and team work skills.
We will give every student the chance to succeed and an opportunity to be involved in a wide range of school based and community co-curricular projects and theatre trips. We also believe Drama is extremely important in developing empathy, social skills, self belief, self confidence and perseverance. These skills are as important to us as being able to perform in front of an audience.
KS4 Curriculum Overview (Years 10-11)
The Drama Curriculum at KS4 is exciting, creative and challenging. It has been designed to help students develop as a performer. It also encourages the ability to develop critical thinking skills and become effective and independent learners. With the focus on working imaginatively, collaborating creatively and communicating effectively, the curriculum provides a solid foundation for further Drama studies, academic and vocational opportunities. Taught in a purpose built drama block the course allows learners to practically explore drama and theatre in a variety of ways.
Learners will learn to collaborate with others, think analytically and evaluate effectively. They will be able to gain the confidence to pursue their own ideas, reflect and refine their efforts. Whatever the future holds within the subject for those that opt to study it all will emerge with a toolkit of transferable skills, applicable both in further studies and in the workplace.
This qualification gives learners the perfect foundation for further studies in Drama or Performing Arts, and/or a career in Performing Arts. It also prepares learners for a wide variety of other careers including Teaching, Customer Services, Early Years, Law, Business, Media, Public Relations and many others.
During lessons you will be taught how to devise original pieces, learn about a number of theatre practitioners and genres, how to explore and perform published plays, how to perform successfully, how to be able to discuss and write about Drama you have seen both professional and amateur and also analyse your own and others creative process and technical decisions.
How are you assessed?
Component One (40%) Devising Theatre
Task One (10% Devised Performance)
You will devise an original practical performance in groups of 2-5 based on a theme, linked to a
specific practitioner. This will be performed to a live audience where you will be assessed by
your teacher. It will also be filmed and sent away to an examiner for moderation.
You will be assessed on your individual understanding/interpretation of the theme, use of voice and movement, listening and responding, development and realisation of ideas and the power to engage the audience.
Task Two (20% Devised – Portfolio of Supporting Evidence)
You will write a portfolio detailing three significant moments within rehearsal that developed your
final performance and drove the creation forward.
This will be assessed in Year 10 and Year 11.
Task Three (10% Devised – Evaluative Analysis)
You will write an evaluation of your final performance, identifying and analysing your own strengths
and weaknesses.
This will be assessed in Year 10 and Year 11.
Component Two (20%) Performing from a Text – External Assessment
You will be given two extracts from a published play by your teacher in groups of 2-4 which you will develop into a performance.
This performance will be assessed by a visiting examiner who will be looking for your understanding of character, use of voice, use of body/space, listening and responding and your power to engage the audience. This will be assessed in Year 11.
Component Three (40%) Interpreting Theatre – Written Examination – Written Paper: 1 ½ hours
Section A: You will answer a series of questions on one set text as an actor, designer and director.
Section B: Live Theatre Review – one question, from a choice of two, requiring analysis and evaluation of a given aspect of a live theatre production seen during the course.
The written examination will be at the end of the course in Year 11.