Chris Bradford Author Event – Thursday 14th November 2019
Year 7 and Year 8 students will have the opportunity to see Chris Bradford’s ‘Bodyguard Show’, as part of his international book tour on Thursday 14th November during Period 2 and 4 respectively. At the end of each show, the author will be signing books for students. Students in Year 9, 10 and 11 can meet the author in the library during the Extended Day.
In order for us to keep the event running smoothly and to time, we are encouraging students to pre-order books so they can be given priority on the day to meet the author and get their book signed. Books will be handed out on the day, so students don’t forget them.
Please return the book order form with payment to: Finance in Footlights – morning breaks only – deadline for orders and payments is Friday 25th October.
Hard copy order forms are available from the school library should they be required.